anime Yashahime princess half demon becomes part 2 with a picture

Anime Yashahime princess half demon becomes a second season with a picture

At the end of the last episode of yashahime princess half demon was announced to get a new season Titled Ni no Sho (part two).
And a new picture was released a Teaser image and in the picture we can see toa hygorashi daughter of sishimaru.

The anime started airing in 3 October and got 24 episodes.

Yashahime princess half demon part 2
 Yashahime princess half demon part 2

Anime story

The story talks about the daughters of sishimaru toa and sitsuna they are both twins and half demons, they were separated away from the jungle fire.toa started searching for her smaller sister, when she was searching she found a mysterious subway and send her to Japan and then sota the brother of kugami hygorashi found her and raised her with his family.
After 10 years the subway opened, this subway connects between two eras and that let toa go back tositsona and toa was at that time a demon killer working for kohako. toa was shocked when she knew that her smaller sister sitsona lost all her momories about her older sister. The Two sisters decided to go an adventure between the Time and moroha the daughter of inuyasha decided to join them.

Mister Katsuki sumisaoa the Scenario Writer has annouced why there are 3 heroes. Mister satoshi yodshia told him that the single number of the heroes like(3,5) is the best to reveal the story.

sumisaoa digress a lot of Successful animes like "Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing" and all of these animes are successful and individually number of heroes(1,3,5).

After Kagumi returned the well was closed, so in order to incorporate the "time travel" component, they chose to prepare Mrs. Takahashi Romiko (the manga author) "The well is made of sacred tree wood" in the first movie of the series. This setting was not in the manga, so they discussed it with her several times.

Why 2 Sisters

Two sisters was chosen, because if there were only one, the workers well spoil the character. And the two sisters can deal with each other normally to reveal the story content. Even though, to avoid the Repetition with different ages(inuyasha and sushimaru)The idea of the twins was used.

Why the Kids are the Heroes

From the very beginning the heroes were considered as the Kids, but it will be with no meaning if the story is about "the children that work hard to excel their father" which was already narrative in Inuyasha. SO it is naturally that the hero of this Story is a girl.
The new "anime story of Inuyasha World"

The Crew

Studio: Sunrise Studio
director: Tyrio Sato(directed some of Inuyasha Episodes)
Scenario Writer: Katsuki sumisaoa
Original character designers: Romiko takahshi(The author of the series)
Character Designer:  yushiheto hyoma (Inuyasha designer)
Music composer: Kaoro wada (Inuyasha composer)
